Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money online. Show all posts

May 6, 2009

What to promote with your email marketing program?

What to promote with your email marketing program?

In your message you will call your email recipients for action. May it be to sign-up some program, or buy something or click some link or whatever. If they respond to your call of action and do what you want them to do, you make money on Internet. It's the point where you can generate your income.

You can promote anything that pays you when your email recipients respond to your call for action.

So, it's you to decide where from you want to generate your income on Internt and accordingly select the offer to your email recipients.

I personally call my email list members to:
[1] visit a page where I publish adsense ads,
[2] sign-up programs where from they can earn money on Internet as well I too earn when they sign-up,
[3] visit the sales pages of the affiliate programs I am associated with,
[4] download free stuffs,
[5] visit the sales pages of the products of my own and I sell on Internet,
[6] visit my hubpages, squidoo lenses, ehow article pages, etc.

All these generate my income on Internet.

So, just select something that can generate your online income and promote with your email marketing proggram.

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If you know how to use Outlook to send an email to your mom, then you can easily use this software to send thousands of personalized emails to your leads today!
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May 5, 2009

How to make money on Internet with email marketing

Let us see how you can make money on Internet with email marketing.

The basic idea is to make money online.

So you need the following:
[1] Some thing to promote on Internet.
[2] email addresses to send the email messages to.
[3] An attractive message that persue the email recipients to take the final action you wish them to do.
[4] A tool to send the messages automatically to all of your list of email addresses.

Therefore, four questions arise here.
[1] What to promote?
[2] How to collect the email addresses to build one's own email-list?
[3] What message should one send, how to write the message copy?
[4] Which tool should one use to send the messages automatically to all of your list of email addresses?

In the following four blog articles I'll answer them and show what did I do myself.

Until then...

No scripts to install on a web server, no monthly fees to pay, no complicated software to use...
If you know how to use Outlook to send an email to your mom, then you can easily use this software to send thousands of personalized emails to your leads today!
Desktop Mailing Software for Windows ME/NT/XP/2000/2003
Take a look at: